A Very Happy New Year 2024

Wishing you a wonderful start to this fresh, exciting New Year.

So that’s another year done and dusted. I hope your year found some little bits of joy and happiness.

It’s been a rough ride, 2023 didn’t seem to allow a let up but here we are! We’ve got through it. We made it! We’ve clambered over the rocks, fallen down the ladder and climbed right back up.

I don’t believe in making New Year resolutions, they just add more stress, but that doesn’t mean we can’t roughly plan out our ‘wish list’ for 2024. You know, what you want to see, do, experience. Forget the goals, if the goals aren’t realistically achievable.

What we need among the madness is ‘little joys’. I love ‘little joys’ they are the most important. Those ‘yippee’ or quiet moments when you are at peace with yourself and the world seems fine albeit for 30 seconds. That’s what gets us through the craziness.

So whatever, madness, difficulties, obstacles you encounter. Breathe gently and find some ‘little joy’ through nature, a little walk, a little music, a perfectly made coffee. It’s those ‘little joys’ that make the day and humans a better place. And show kindness in every action, kindness rebounds and before we know it hopefully the world will smile right back.

Lots of love, laughter and light

Lana 🥰💖xxx

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

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